Brown School Student Experiences

The breadth and depth of experiences that our students have during their time at the Brown School are unparalleled. Read firsthand from some of our students.

How to Make the Most of MSW Foundation Courses

​By the end of my first semester at the Brown School, I had a portfolio full of well-researched content about the strengths and challenges of displaced populations. This portfolio only existed because of a piece of advice I picked up during orientation week at the Brown School, which I believe is worth passing along to successive MSW cohorts: Pick a social issue you’re passionate about or interested in, and use that topic for every foundation course assignment that you possibly can. If you’ve tuned in to Admitted Student Zoom Panels in the past, you may have heard me talk about this approach. I don’t know who shared it with me. Was it a wise second-year student? A well-meaning professor?  I...

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