Brown School Student Experiences

The breadth and depth of experiences that our students have during their time at the Brown School are unparalleled. Read firsthand from some of our students.

5 Tips for a Successful Merit Scholarship Interview

​If you’ve talked to any of us in the admissions office, you may have heard the reminder that anyone can be considered for merit-based scholarships by simply clicking a box in your application.  But, if you’re anything like me, you checked that box and now you’re wondering what do I do now? How do I create the best possible interview for these scholarships? What is this video software platform and is that a real person on the other end? So, if you’re like me and worrying about where to go after you’ve received that fateful merit-scholarship interview link, read on for my 5 tips for a successful merit scholarship interview.   1. REMEMBER IT’S A PART OF YOUR APPLICATION, NOT THE WHOLE...

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