Brown School Student Experiences

The breadth and depth of experiences that our students have during their time at the Brown School are unparalleled. Read firsthand from some of our students.

Brown School Specialization: Learn More About Older Adults and Aging Societies

​Byline: Nancy Morrow-Howell  Today we are delighted to highlight the Brown School’s work with older adults and aging societies, and we’d like to share a little bit about our new specialization! We believe that all social work and public health students would be well served by learning about older adults and aging society, given current longevity and demographic trends. The Older Adults and Aging Societies specialization gives students across all the concentrations tools to serve clients, families and communities across the longer life course. The specialization provides students with expertise in working with older adults, their families and the service delivery systems for aging societies. It also prepares students to develop policy and program strategies to address the challenges and opportunities...

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