Brown School Student Experiences

The breadth and depth of experiences that our students have during their time at the Brown School are unparalleled. Read firsthand from some of our students.

5 Tips for a Successful Merit Scholarship Interview

​If you’ve talked to any of us in the admissions office, you may have heard the reminder that anyone can be considered for merit-based scholarships by simply clicking a box in your application.  But, if you’re anything like me, you checked that box and now you’re wondering what do I do now? How do I create the best possible interview for these scholarships? What is this video software platform and is that a real person on the other end? So, if you’re like me and worrying about where to go after you’ve received that fateful merit-scholarship interview link, read on for my 5 tips for a successful merit scholarship interview.   1. REMEMBER IT’S A PART OF YOUR APPLICATION, NOT THE WHOLE...

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Should I Apply to the Brown School?

​It’s grad school application season – we know that means you’ve got lots of decisions on your plate. Maybe, like some of us here, you’ve known all along that you wanted to get your Masters of Social Work, Public Health or Social Policy. Maybe you’ve completed an application and you’re still not sure if you want to get a masters in one of those fields. Maybe you’re just not sure if you should put the time and effort in applying to the Brown School. If you’re asking the question so many have asked before you, no one can give you a definite answer, but here are some responses to questions that might help guide your way.  1. Would I even like...

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A Letter to Me, Two Years Ago

​Jonathan, You wouldn’t believe the way your life looks two years from now. The friendships you’ve made, the people you’ve met, the relationships you’ve formed, and the lessons you’ve learned have created the very best version of you. If you could see yourself now, I know that you’d be very proud of the things you’ve accomplished. You tried different things, like taking courses and engaging in projects and practica that felt a little out of your scope and comfort. You’ve developed expertise in areas you wouldn’t have thought you would, only because you took chances. But, most importantly, you’ve gone through the process to make your dream of finishing graduate school a reality. You didn’t just do this by yourself....

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Practicum in Overview

​With the start of second semester, practicum season has arrived for first year MSW and MPH students at the Brown School.  Practicum is an opportunity to engage in fieldwork, apply theories and knowledge outside the classroom, and gain valuable work experience. It’s an on the ground opportunity to gather data on what you want (or don’t want!) to do and to fill in skill gaps. For many social work students, January marks the start of their practicum experience, and many spend the month getting oriented at their site and learning to balance a new schedule. The majority of MPH students begin their practicum in the summer, so for them, January brings the start of their practicum search. This includes a...

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Winter Wonderlands around St. Louis

​Winter break was a glorious month-long break to let our brains rest and get ready for the next semester.  For those of us that stayed in St. Louis over break–or those seeking winter-friendly adventures in these first weeks back to campus–there are lots of free (or very low-cost) winter wonderland activities to help you de-stress! ANNUAL WINTER EVENTS AND FESTIVALS: Garden Glow is a festival of lights hosted at the Missouri Botanical Gardens running from November through December. While Garden Glow isn’t free, it is amazing and so worth the cost of admission, and you can attend a “bargain night” for reduced admissions cost!  Plus, an 85 degree Climatron that gives some cold air reprieve! Brewery Lights takes place at Anheuser-Busch’s Brewery and Biergarten in St. Louis. The...

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Cultivating a Life of Learning

​In the fall, I registered for my final semester of classes at the Brown School. I also submitted my intent to graduate in May of 2019, and the email asking me to do this came at a complete surprise. It’s really intimidating to think that I have five months left of schooling left before I go out into the field and work full-time. As I found myself anguishing over my final semester course selections, I realized that there were several options that I could take, and this made me wonder about the compromise between certain courses over other. What if I missed a learning opportunity? What if I am in practice and something I’ve never learned about comes up with a patient? Do I truly...

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